Do note that these different types of acne can occur in various combinations in any given individual, and sometimes can look similar and confusing too. Acne vulgaris is the most common type of acne consisting of papules, pustules, and comedones in various combinations. There are several subtypes:
- Acne conglobata - is considered an unusually severe form of cystic acne of large abscesses with interconnecting sinuses, cysts and grouped of inflammatory nodules.
- Acne cosmetica - caused by occlusive makeup and skin-care products.
- Acne keloidalis - This is most common at the nape of our neck but can also occur on the arms, chest, and the back. However, acne keloids is unlikely to be seen on the face, although they can sometimes occur at the jaw line and under the chin and may grow to become itchy, painful and disfiguring. In short, a type of acne in which healing results in keloidal scarring.
- Acne excoriee - even mild acne may be severely disfiguring when accompanied by extensive excoriations, i.e. picking at lesions.
- Comedonal acne - mostly blackheads and whiteheads.
- Cystic acne - scattered cystic lesions in common acne areas.
- Inflammatory acne - mostly papules, pustules, cysts.
- Neonatal acne - an acne like eruption that can occur in newborns or infants.
- Nodular acne - scattered nodules mostly concentrated on the face, chest or our
back. - Pomade acne – is caused by occlusive hair products.
- Steroid acne - is the results from long-term use of oral or topical steroids.